Wine is a fusion of man’s creative efforts in unique combination with nature. But the wine’s style is born in the heart and perfected with knowledge. The essence comes from refining nature’s gifts sensitively.


We try to understand every vine site and its micro-climate to see which one is best suited
for a certain variety; choosing optimum locations and yields and best harvest time. This is how
we can grow the best grapes and turn them into unique wines in such a spontaneous and natural way.


Whether we are working in the vineyards or the cellar - our main aims are always: respect for nature and creating new knowledge.


Our wines are superb in style & technique and have a very personal,
unique note as well, reflecting our love for nature and our passion for wines
and winemaking. They are simply special.




Today the Ferdinand wine house is led by Matjaž Četrtič, an agronomist who wanted
to become a wine-maker from an early age. He brought a family wine growing tradition
back to life from the times when his great grandfather was making wine very successfully.




Matjaž Četrtič – the wine maker

Matjaž was still a teenager at Agricultural School when he took over the cultivation of the biggest plot in 1992.  His vision was to build a wine cellar and to produce exclusive high quality wines from this wonderful Brda region and especially the indigenous Rebula variety. His father Marjan trusted his son, providing great support, himself fully committing to wine-growing. In 1997 the first bottles of wine were ready for the market.  
Along with his work on the vineyards, Matjaž studied at the Bio-technical faculty in Ljubljana, graduating in 1996 with his thesis Optimum load of Rebula. He also studied wine management in Trieste, Italy and became a Master of wine business in 2007.
With Robert Prinčič, a study mate from his time at Trieste and Brda neighbor, Matjaž has also created a joint venture project called Sinefinis. For Matjaž - Rebula Wine and the huge development potential for the Brda region rebula has always been his favourite subject.




Jasmina Četrtič - main office

Jasmina, Matjaž’s wife, studied economics in Ljubljana and did her Masters at the prestigious Bocconi university in Milan. After a successful career in tourism and marketing, she joined the family business, developing and promoting the Ferdinand and Sinefinis brands at home and abroad.



Rebula – Rebolium


Rebula is the most important variety in the Ferdinand winery We love it and it features in
every line of wine we produce – fresh wine (Classic Rebula), matured in oak barrels (Epoca),
macerated Rebula (Brutus) and sparkling wine  Sinefinis.

Rebula is part of the story of the Brda region. It was brought to our country in Roman times, flourishing
in the Middle Ages and has stood the test of time. For its specific aromas, lively freshness and infinite
possibilities of interpretation, this variety still has so much potential. With the Rebula signature, Brda could
be an instantly recognisable wine brand throughout the world, so the Ferdinand winery initiated and
co-organised the Rebolium project – “Rebula through Time”, to research the variety further and to promote its development. Ferdinand winery is also involved in the organization board of  Masterclass Brda Home of Rebula board a traditional every year rebula project.


Naša spletna stran uporablja piškotke, ki se naložijo na vaš računalnik. Ali se za boljše delovanje strani strinjate z njihovo uporabo?

Več o uporabi piškotkov

Uporaba piškotkov na naši spletni strani

Pravna podlaga

Podlaga za obvestilo je spremenjeni Zakon o elektronskih komunikacijah (Uradni list št. 109/2012; v nadaljevanju ZEKom-1), ki je začel veljati v začetku leta 2013. Prinesel je nova pravila glede uporabe piškotkov in podobnih tehnologij za shranjevanje informacij ali dostop do informacij, shranjenih na računalniku ali mobilni napravi uporabnika.

Kaj so piškotki?

Piškotki so majhne datoteke, pomembne za delovanje spletnih strani, največkrat z namenom, da je uporabnikova izkušnja boljša.

Piškotek običajno vsebuje zaporedje črk in številk, ki se naloži na uporabnikov računalnik, ko ta obišče določeno spletno stran. Ob vsakem ponovnem obisku bo spletna stran pridobila podatek o naloženem piškotku in uporabnika prepoznala.

Poleg funkcije izboljšanja uporabniške izkušnje je njihov namen različen. Piškotki se lahko uporabljajo tudi za analizo vedenja ali prepoznavanje uporabnikov. Zato ločimo različne vrste piškotkov.

Vrste piškotkov, ki jih uporabljamo na tej spletni strani

Piškotki, ki jih uporabljamo na tej strani sledijo smernicam:

Nadzor piškotkov

Za uporabo piškotkov se odločate sami. Piškotke lahko vedno odstranite in s tem odstranite vašo prepoznavnost na spletu. Prav tako večino brskalnikov lahko nastavite tako, da piškotkov ne shranjujejo.

Za informacije o možnostih posameznih brskalnikov predlagamo, da si ogledate nastavitve.

Upravljalec piškotkov

Vinska klet Ferdinand; Matjaž Četrtič